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Essay on 15 August Independence

Essay on 15 August Independence Day= our independence day falls on the 15 August in every year our country got freedom on this day we celebrate this day with great zeal every year this year we made great preparation in our school everyone of us was eager to take part in the Independence Day celebrations the vice principal view of a program it was announced by the principal on the 13th of August in the morning of 15th August 3rd in the Ram Leela ground behind the bus stand near the water tank our teachers also joined up in a few minutes we were divided into four parties each parties was singing national song and shouting Mahatma Gandhi ki Jai Bharat Mata Ki Jai aur younger companions work full of more enthusiasm devar shouting the slogans at top of their voice the singing and shouting National slogans will reach schools at our time to stand class wise in our Khaki uniform will look like soldier ready to give our life for the sake of Mother India the teacher student behind us on our principal request the founder of the school who is a sacred send come forward we perform the flag hoisting ceremony he was in his happy Mod exactly at 8 o'clock the flag was hoisted stood in attention to salute the flag after the flag ceremony Jan Gan Man was sung the scout band played that tune the flag ceremony came to a close with a few tips the teachers and the founded delivered speech all the speakers through light on the importance of the day to teachers told us our duties towards the country the principal asked us to assemble down the feel to take part in the sport the sport were held with great deal those who stood first and second in the sport got prize by the holy hands of the founder


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