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How can we earn money from testing time.

Testing time is a great way to earn money  in this we have to check products and services.  And we have to take interviews with some people.  When we check a product they give us 3500rupees we can cheak a product within an hour  that means we can earn money from testing time like a great salary about 100000.  if you want to do this job from home searh On The google "Testing time " and after doing work you can earn money. 

The Himalayan range

The Himalayas are the highest mountain range in the world it stretch from Jammu and Kashmir in the west to Arunachal Pradesh in the east it consists of three ranges , running parallel to each other these are himadri  Himachal and Shivalik.

Top 5 Car

1. Lamborghini 2. 3.f1 4. 5.

Top 5 movie

1. Avengers Infinity war Out 2. Thor ragnarok 3. The Rise of the Planet of the Apes 4. Captain America civil war 5 . Black panther

Imperative sentence

 This type of sentence Express command request or advise insert sentences Kannada subject you is generally hidden or understood it begins either with a verb or with a word expressing request command or advise

What is MS Excel

 it is a spreadsheet program that provides with powerful tools and feature to analyse share and manage data with least effort it is part of MS Office it is defined as a large sheet containing information arranged in a matrix of row and column

What is word

It is a process in software that we used to create and change document it is important software it is under MS Office and it has many tools by this software we can decorate document in a different ways.

Element of Linux

There are three main part of Linux. (1.) Kernel--- it is meant part of Linux it arranged all programs IT hardware and to run. (2.) Shell--- it is a program it explain the commands given by user it is also called command interpreter (3.) File system--- in this we arrange according to directly.    Hardware and software requirement for Linux---(1.) required hardware to install Linux are following . (2.) X86 platform--- 2GB free space in hard disk. (3.) 128 MB Ram nearly. (4.) Complete bulb sound card should be installed.

How many figure of Linux

 There are some important figure of Linux. (1.) It is multi user operating system (2.) Kernel is its important part and it can started automatically after crash it is a protected by virus. (3.) We can run program depend on doors it work on g v i. (4.) Apache web server program is available and it is there two bit operating system.

How many types of software

It is of two type. (1.) System software--- those program that run and control the computer it care and utilise its all capitals (2.) Application software--- torch program which is used to do real work as to calculate the salary of employee. Print, report ,MS word, tally etc.

What is RAM

 Random Access Memory--- it is a type of memory which hold its data as long as computer is switched on. When the computer is switched off all data held in RAM is lost it is a volatile memory.

What is the full form of CPU

C---Central P---Processing  U---Unit Definition of CPU meals central Processing Unit--- it is brain of computer it consist three main part. (1.) Control unit (2.) Arithmetical and logical unit (3.) And main memory     Some important units--------                        4 bit =1 nibble             8bit = 1byte             1024 bit = 1kb             1024 kb = 1 mb             1024 mb = 1 gb             1024gb = 1 tb             

What is Basic operation of computer

There are 4 basic operation of computer . (1.)  Emptying - The process of entering data into computer system is called in putting it is done by input devices like keyboard ,mouse, sound, card, video capture ,card, digital camera, toy stick and light pen etc. (2.) Store  - saving data and instruction is called storing computer stores data in its memory. (3.) Processing  - performing at medical operation or logical operation on data in order to convert them into useful operation it is done by processor age pension 3 and 4. (4.) Outputing  - the processor of producing Useful information or result for the user it is done by output devices like monitor, printer ,speaker etc.

What is computer

Computer is a electronic device that accept process store and output data at high speed it is used for handling large amount of data it performs mathematical operation very rapidly it is made of world compute. C- commonly O-opreted M-machine P-particularly  T-technical  E-education  R-research 

How can we earn money

We can earn money by different ways. (1.)By Word press About word press --- it is a part of Google it is a great app  it really give us money if we work on this app. (2.)Blogger About blogger---it is also a part of the google. If you are not then please subscribe me by fill information